kelli stephens is an on-location, utah photographer, specializing in child photography.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amber, I know you've been anxious to see these!

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I love this natural interaction. And what a cool place to hang out with the fam! This is the closest place to the French Quarters in New Orleans that we have in Utah. I love it and I'm so happy they were up for such a fun, urban/vintage shoot.
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I love this picture of the three brothers. They were so excited. So much energy!
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There are plenty more where these came from!


Jamie said...

these are great Kell! Nice work!

Harris said...

Kelli- This makes me so excited to see all of them. It was so fun to do something different in these pictures. They are so fun and I can't wait to see the rest of them!!! Thanks again for putting up with our crazy boys and the flying snow balls!!

Harris said...

I just saw the one of Gray and I love, love, love it!!! I am so excited!

Molly Rivera said...

I went to Idaho State with Amber, and I knew her husband from good old Poky... Amber and her friends and me and my friends use to hang out all of the time. Small world. These pictures are great by the way. I walked into our computer room and these pictures were up on the screen, crazy. How do you know them? Are they in Provo now? This is Nathan by the way.

Kelli said...

that is really funny! she is great. i met her through one of my friends from high school (emily wood. molly will know who she is). they were next door neighbors. she and i did a jewelry/shade clothing party together and then she saw my work on someone's blog and contacted for pictures.
your comment really confused me for the first couple lines. i was trying think when molly would have gone to idaho state and how i wouldn't have known about it.